![]() Nor-vise will be in the news again within the next couple of weeks. Until a few days ago I didn't know such a thing even existed, but it seems our friend Jon Strand From Norway has just set a Guinness Book of World Records for fly tying. Now, I have spent many an hour in front of my Norvise, but 24 hours straight...I don't know if I could do that. With help from Bill Keough of Keough Hackle Farm and Norm Norlander of Norvise Jon was on his way. This is the Email I received from Norm on Tuesday; I received a phone call Saturday from Jon Strand, the Airline Pilot from Norway after he just completed his shot at a 24 hr "Guinness World Record" for fly tying. It was all done proper, video records, live observers, documentation etc. He ended up with 1036 Griffiths Gnats. I hope in the next few days to put together some photos with him tying on the Norvise, logos on his shirt etc. I thought that was pretty cool. As mentioned I have never heard of a fly tying World Record and was anxious to hear more. Also, knowing I had a part in the manufacture of the vise (I am a Machinist by trade and my company makes many of the parts that go into the make up of th Norvise) Gave me a sense of pride. I think after reading Jon's re-cap of the event will give a better appreciation of the "tie better flies faster" mantra that Norvise has built itself on. Here is the summary of the event in Jon's words. It started 2 yrs ago, when out of the blue I started wondering if there was anything about fly tying in Guinness Book Of World Records. I was not able to find anything. So I applied May 02 2015 It was a yes. After some planning I gathered a team of 3, Sandra Tjørn- document wizard, Håvard Eide - IT/video wizard and myself. Without these to friends, I would not have been able to pull it off. After trying to find out how to achieve the absolute best result, I thought: what is the optimal vise and tools for the job. After a brief search on the net, I was left with the choice of NORVISE. I contacted Norm Norlander, presented my project and asked him if he was interested? His responds was priceless: What's your mailing address Jon? After 3 weeks a full set-up arrived with an additional jaw, lamp, extra bobbins and spools. Now I needed to start practicing to learn a whole new technique, the vise is of a different design and principles. After just one evening that was covered. Now I needed to find the time and location for the event. The best choice was the Nordic Fly Fair 2017, The National Forestry Museum, Elverum, Norway. They've been exceptionally helpful by getting things in place. The record attempt itself started Friday may 5th at noon, and lasted for 24hrs. SUMMARY: Total amount of flies completed: 1036 The most flies tied in 1 hr: 50 (In both the 1st and the 23rd hour) The least flies tied in 1 hr: 36 The quickest tied fly: 37 sec Average of 43 flies per hour 3 witnesses present at all times, 1 specialist and 2 independent All flies counted 3 times The whole 24hr event video recorded The experience: After 3 hours of tying, I had made about 130-140 flies, I looked down in the hook-cup and saw NO CHANGE! Then I struggled with my motivation knowing there was 21 hours more to go. After passing 12hrs and half way, it felt like on a bicycle when you pass over a hill and start rolling downhill again, a relieve! After 13-14hrs it was like flat terrain ahead, just pure hard work. After 15 hrs a really good period, easy going and good looking flies. After 18-19 hrs a brutal STOP For a couple of seconds I just sat there, exhausted, wondering why I was there and what I was doing. Picked myself back up after a bowl of soup, a banana, some sparkle water and fresh air In the 23rd hour I had full speed again. 50 flies in an hour, better looking than in the first hour Then I had to concentrate and make sure I passed the magic line of 1000! The rest is history :-) Can you imagine tying for 24 hours straight! I cant, and that just goes to show how serious Jon was about this endeavor! I think the one "stat" that impresses me the most is the average of 43 flies per hour. over a 24 hour time period...that is unbelievable! Here are some pictures from the event. What a cool event and what an accomplishment for Jon. I don't think it is just a coincidence Jon chose the quality of a Norvise for his attempt at a World Record. "Tie Better Flies Faster" has a whole new meaning today. Congratulations Jon, you deserve the title!
If you are intrigued by the Norvise please go to www.norvise.com and check out one of the many great videos posted on the site. If you are local please feel free to contact me if you would like a personal demo of the vise. I will be happy to show all this great product has to offer. Till next time... Tight Lines
May 2017